Hello直播间:Gambler Shiba 加密货币投注领域新革命

北京时间2021年8月9日20:30 加密货币投注领域新革命 Gambler Shiba AMA在Gambler Shiba 官方电报群(t.me / gshiba_official)举办,本栏目由Hello财经主办,本期直播主持人:区块链芝士 Cheese,特邀分享嘉宾Deficrypto,co-owner and head developer of GSHIBA
本期直播访谈的主题是:Gambler Shiba 加密货币投注领域新革命.
Hello直播间:Gambler Shiba 加密货币投注领域新革命-启示财经
主持人: Hello everyone, I'm the host of tonight's AMA, Cheese, thanks to the organizers for inviting us. Our guest tonight is Deficrypto, the co-creator and lead developer of GSHIBA.
Gambler Shiba is said to be revolutionizing the cryptocurrency betting space, so can Deficrypto tell us a little bit about your project?
大家好,我是今晚AMA的主持人,Cheese,感谢主办方的邀请。我们今晚的嘉宾是Deficrypto,GSHIBA的联合创造者和首席开发者.Gambler Shiba号称将会掀起加密货币投注领域新革命,那么Deficrypto可以为大家介绍一下你们的项目吗?
Deficrypto :GSHIBA is the world’s first gambling token to share fair ETH rewards to holders.There are 4 tiers in GSHIBA gambling system – Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.In each transaction, we take 4% tax fee and distribute them to 4 winners and the winners are changed everytime.GSHIBA has distributed over 60ETH to our holders so far.
主持人:What can you tell us about your team? /能介绍一下你们团队的情况吗?
Deficrypto :Team consists of one owner, one head developer, one more smart contract developer, two front-end developers, and 1 business manager.Every team members have great experience in crypto and they’re working hard to make GSHIBA one of the top cryptocurrencies in the world.
主持人:What are the token allocation rules for GSHIBA? /GSHIBA的代币分配规则是怎样的?
Deficrypto :Uniswap V2 liquidity has 8.2% of total supply and the remaining is owned by the community.
GSHIBA did a 100% fair launch and totally community-oriented project.
Uniswap V2的流动性占总供应量的8.2%,其余的由社区所有。
主持人:That sounds fair.Is GSHIBA going to have any big events lately? /听起来很公平,那么GSHIBA最近会有什么大型活动吗?
Deficrypto :Sure. Coinsbit exchange listing on August, 9th.Gokhshtein media press release posted already.Cameron Dallas tweet Some big influencers.Upcoming gambling dApps.Upcoming betting platform.
主持人:Congratulations, What are GSHIBA's future plans? /恭喜,GSHIBA未来有哪些计划?
Deficrypto :We’re listing on coinsbit exchange on August, 9th. And gonna list GSHIBA on 2 more exchanges in less than 2 weeks. Also, we’re actively developing some gambling dAPPs right now and will release a couple of dApps in one month. Our long term plan is to develop a decentralized betting platform where GSHIBA would be the governance token.
主持人:Great, so can you tell us about the inspiration for GSHIBA? /很棒,您能告诉我们关于GSHIBA的灵感来源吗?
Deficrypto :GSHIBA is a real game changer in crypto gambling. We expect many influencers will join GSHIBA and it will explode. The tier model and ETH amount based gambling are the real game changing models. You'll see the best betting platform in the world soon.
主持人:What are your views and opinions on cryptocurrency as an industry? /您对加密货币这个行业有什么看法和意见?
Deficrypto :I'm always bullish on crypto. Crypto does not only involve currencies, it's the technology. Like many influencers have mentioned, I also think crypto is Internet 2.0.
主持人: Crypto is Internet 2.0,I think so too.what about GSHIBA actualization of application in the near future? /我也认为加密货币是互联网2.0.在不久的将来,GSHIBA的实际应用情况如何?
Deficrypto :We're working on developing cool gambling dApps. You'll see really cool gambling dApps in the near future and play with GSHIBA tokens.
主持人:What are the current areas for improvement at GSHIBA? /GSHIBA目前有哪些需要改进的地方?
Deficrypto :The improvements are the gambling apps and the betting platform. We're going to develop the best decentralized betting platform in the long term.
主持人: Thanks Deficrypto for your patience and answers.While the AMA is live, there is a good news to share with the community fans, GSHIBA has gone live with the centralized trading platform COINSBIT, another big step forward for the project!Thanks to all the community users for their support to this AMA, let's keep watching the future development of GSHIBA!
电报频道: t.me / gshiba_announcements
推特: https://twitter.com/GamblerShiba
官方电报:t.me / gshiba_official
日本电报群:t.me / gshiba_jp
中文电报群:t.me / gshiba_zh
马来西亚电报群:t.me / gshiba_rm
西班牙电报群:t.me / gshiba_sp
UNCBOT: t.me / uncbot_GSHIBA
Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x38b81d939fe237e03eceb655c5a212c082bf09b0
Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/gambler-shiba/
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